Dear Families of Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Cruz County, The safety and well-being of members, families, volunteers, and staff are the highest priorities for Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Cruz County. Due to the Santa Cruz County Office of Education’s decision to close all Santa Cruz County Schools in all Districts for […]
Come Celebrate with Us! Welcome to a week of Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Cruz County! Full of activities for all community members, BGCA Week is a time to open the door and take a tour of all that Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Cruz County has to offer. Check back for BGCA Week […]
Our Summer schedule has been released! We will be closed June 5-9 and open for Summer Camp on Monday, June 12 until Friday, August 18th. Summer Camp is $15 a day or $65 a week. Come by the Clubhouse Tuesday, May 16th to register. For more information and to download flyers visit our Summer Camp Page. […]
2017 is YEAR of the TEEN TEEN PROGRAM INCREASING EFFECTIVENESS In conjunction with Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Clubs across the country, Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Cruz County is making TEENS a priority in 2017. In 2014, Boys & Girls Club of America noticed a decline in teen attendance at Clubs […]
More than 300 Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Cruz County members spent more than 40 hours each having someone read to them or reading as part of the BGCSCC Summer Camp programming. “For kids who were not part of the larger Summer Brain Gain–READ! program, the quiet time spent reading or listening to a […]
Every summer, the Club closes for a week at the end of Summer between our Summer Program and Afterschool Program. Last day of Summer Program is Friday, August 19th, and then we will be CLOSED to Club members Monday, August 22 – Friday, August 26th. Administrative offices are mostly open for parents to drop by […]
Santa Cruz mom Yarka Micka knew her daughter was going to be tall, but that isn’t the only reason she enrolled her in the Downtown Clubhouse’s popular new class, girls volleyball. Drawing more than 40 players, the special class launched on April 11 and ends May 18. “This is her first time playing,” Yarka said […]
When Charles Hillman received an acceptance letter to his No. 1 college pick, the first place he went to share the exciting news is the Downtown Clubhouse. It’s been his home away from home since he was 10, the place where he has played guitar, sung in a choir and performed in a talent show. […]